Museum of ancient engines.
Founding members MIDA:
MIDA on the media:MIDA on [IRROMPIBLES]
Founding members MIDA:
- D. López de Luise
- N. Borromeo
- L. Dima
- E. De Leo
- Antú Marin
- Federico José Abella
- Nahuel Cellario
- D. López de Luise
- A. Zambrano
- E. Vargas Ligareto
- E. Ruiz
- F. Soruco
- L. Vicente Flores
- M. Bravo
- P. Inoccenti
- P. Anguera
- F. Silva
- F. Duvergel
Goal MIDA: teach principles in physics/ chemistry/ mechanic/ mathematics/ electronic/ electricity among others
Goal LEARNITRON: define multimedia approaches for improving Engineering teaching. It aims to improve abstraction by training.
State: deploy
Project age for MIDA: since June 2013
Project age for LEARNITRON: since november 2013
Some of the suitable implementations are:
- teaching of abstract subjects in Engineering
- promotion of Engineering careers
- creativity fostering
MIDA on the media: MIDA on [IRROMPIBLES]